Friday, December 22, 2006

Mama, I'm Coming Home!!!

I just read the lyrics to that song...really came to mind though since i just got off the phone with my mom and i am coming home!
I am actually preparing now for my first trip home... packing, christmas shopping, cleaning, throwing away any food that will mold over, laundry, and most importantly, gettin some sleep before my 10 hours of traveling ahead of me!
In the last 24 hours i have drank A LOT of free alcohol, eaten way too much free candy, chocolate, cookies, cupcakes, etc., danced with an entire bar of Ecuadorian men, eaten roast pig (like, from the WHOLE pig...with the apple in it's mouth kind!), done all my christmas shopping...basically just consumed!
Now i am on my way to AZ to attempt to keep that going until i have to come back and work! I've got so much to do while i'm there, i dont know how it will all get done in between all the drinking of cheap beer (except for when i go to papago to drink good beer!)
i'm kind of wondering now why i chose to stay in Az for new years and not spend it in nyc, but i'm super nostalgic/romantic sometimes...i might be getting over that (no offense to all my wonderful friends in Az...we will have a damn good time, you never know what your gonna get from krystal...tap dancing, breaking towel racks off your bathroom out! i just cant be too hung over on my flight back the next day!)
i was hoping for some warm weather to look forward to, but it's about the same weather here as it is in that's that i guess...there's no humidity though!
my truck is SO ready to be driven! i cant wait...see you soon


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