Thursday, November 16, 2006

rain, tm-ing, and thanksgiving

I've decided that pouring rain and strong sidewinds while wearing denim and converse are not my favorite things. Not only that, but umbrellas are really just useless at that point also and they are just another thing to carry.
So, I know I've never lived somewhere where there is actually a winter, but I'm not quite sure why it is still 70 degrees in the middle of november. I keep thinking about global warming and then my mind jumps quickly to some sort of apocalyptic occurence in my lifetime that I dont really want to have anything to do with and then I get nervous and wonder if there is anything I can do, which, sadly, I doubt.
Another thing I wonder about is text messaging. I think about this a lot actually, but when it first started happening I was really confused as to why you would need to use it when you could just call a person and it actually really bothered me and anytime I saw someone typing frantically on their phone I just couldn't grasp why they were going through all that hassle to tell someone something. So, now i've realized that it is just another way for people to be passive and anti-social by way of technology and that bothers me even more. Somehow though, I've gotten sucked into the whole phenomenon and now I'm the one typing some ridiculous number of words per minute on my keypad rather than calling someone. I'm gonna try not to do that anymore unless it completely makes sense (like when I want to be passive and anti-social).
Thanksgiving is coming up and it will be my first time ever that I am not with my family. I'm not so excited about that idea and dont really know what to do about it yet. Luckily I have open invitations for the day's affairs, but have not decided what to do and might just stay home and cry instead. Probably not really, but I did think about going to a homeless shelter or a church or something but haven't actually looked into it yet.
Eddy C. and the Parenthetical Girls played an amazing show the other night on the Lower East Side and then stayed at our place for the night before they headed out for the rest of their tour...if they are stopping in your town anytime soon...go see them. It was refreshing to hear sincerely beautiful music.
Watched Steven's work in progress dance performance. It was really interesting to see what has been done so far and to hear what the plans are and I am excited to see the final product in January...he's working really hard and is so passionate about everything he does. It's really great to see.
Saw Borat tonight! Man-o-man, freaking hilarious (and disturbing)...definitely worth seeing in the theatre...especially the theatre in cobble hill where the opening preview has not changed since the 80's and is so fun to watch and thursday night is $6 movie night which is a real treat in the big city.

and that's all i have to say about all that

stay tuned
