Sunday, November 26, 2006


I ended up going to michigan to spend thanksgiving with my family was the greatest idea i've had all week! I had so much fun and I'm really glad i just put that expense on my credit card and decided to go cuz it was definitely worth it. I mean, let me just fill you in on all that i did...
had an amazing thanksgiving dinner at my grandparents famous huge holiday dinner table (we have an enormous family and i've always wanted to be there for a holiday but never have until now) with about 30 of my aunts, uncles and cousins
walked around the farm (my grandparents house sits on about 55 acres of land and 25 acres of it is woods) and through the woods and took pictures and tried not to get shot by deer hunters (my uncles!)
hung out with all my beautiful cousins...i swear my 13-19 year old cousins are so gorgeous...they look older than me and are just so pretty...i was just a little jealous
i went to the orchard and got homemade apple cider and michigan honey and cinnamon apple butter
went to my favorite fast food restaurant in michigan called halo burger where you can get green olives on your cheeseburger
drank so much vernor's (my all time favorite ginger ale that flows abundantly in michigan but not many other places) that i may have developed diabetes
ate tons of homemade pies
learned how to longboard along the flint river
bowled seven games at my grandpa's bowling alley for free! i'm actually sore from bowling! my highest score was 155, which i thought was pretty good considering i haven't bowled since the last time i was there which was over 2 years ago!
got stung by a wasp while trying to help my grandma decorate her porch for christmas
(oh, and my grandparents have a new dog, a collie of course, and my grandpa named him fritzy dugan, which i think is just might have to know my grandpa though)

my grandparents house might just be my favorite place in the whole wide world!
i think i might be more of a country girl than a city girl...we'll see where i end up!

it also felt good to come back to my apt in brooklyn... my sister is coming tomorrow!
I've got a busy and exciting week ahead of me and then i will be back in arizona before i know it!

jeb said it snowed in seattle today and he sent me a picture...made me jealous...where's my snow? maybe i should be careful what i ask for though much to think about!


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