Friday, December 22, 2006

Mama, I'm Coming Home!!!

I just read the lyrics to that song...really came to mind though since i just got off the phone with my mom and i am coming home!
I am actually preparing now for my first trip home... packing, christmas shopping, cleaning, throwing away any food that will mold over, laundry, and most importantly, gettin some sleep before my 10 hours of traveling ahead of me!
In the last 24 hours i have drank A LOT of free alcohol, eaten way too much free candy, chocolate, cookies, cupcakes, etc., danced with an entire bar of Ecuadorian men, eaten roast pig (like, from the WHOLE pig...with the apple in it's mouth kind!), done all my christmas shopping...basically just consumed!
Now i am on my way to AZ to attempt to keep that going until i have to come back and work! I've got so much to do while i'm there, i dont know how it will all get done in between all the drinking of cheap beer (except for when i go to papago to drink good beer!)
i'm kind of wondering now why i chose to stay in Az for new years and not spend it in nyc, but i'm super nostalgic/romantic sometimes...i might be getting over that (no offense to all my wonderful friends in Az...we will have a damn good time, you never know what your gonna get from krystal...tap dancing, breaking towel racks off your bathroom out! i just cant be too hung over on my flight back the next day!)
i was hoping for some warm weather to look forward to, but it's about the same weather here as it is in that's that i guess...there's no humidity though!
my truck is SO ready to be driven! i cant wait...see you soon

Sunday, December 10, 2006

great bar

i just found my favorite bar in my much drinks from a really nice bartender...amazing jukebox...guy on coke who just couldn't get enough motown...cheetos (why does that look spelled wrong? is it with a z? i don't know...all i know is that they are good) i almost got my ass kicked by a big guy in a malibu on my way home cuz i yelled at him for trying to turn while i was LEGALLY crossing the street! he just kept yelling something back at me and i just kept saying what? what?
i'm drunk
you know you can leave comments so i don't feel like i'm talking to myself all the time!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


i can add another strange hospital visit to my list! today i accidentally stabbed myself in the hand with this tool at work and i had to go to the hospital and get a tetanus shot...i cant believe i didnt pass out actually cuz all of a sudden this long steel poker thing was just stuck in the palm of my hand and i had to pull it out! a co-worker of mine was standing there and just looked at me and said "are you alright" and i said "i dont know"...then within a matter of minutes the entire company was paging each other looking for advice on what to do and trying to find hydrogen peroxide (which i strongly protested) and then the owner of the company came out and put on his jacket and was like "lets go to the hospital, i'll go get a cab" and then they had my friend sara go with me cuz i was a little faint and nauseous, but everything ended up fine and i got out of doing a really annoying job that i had to have done by the end of the day!

no snow

so there was no snow yesterday but it is so freakin cold and for some reason my landlord has not turned the heat on in two days! When it was 60 degrees outside it was on every night and i had to leave the windows open because i was sweating, but now I just freeze! It's crap! I'm not messing around though...i'm wearing four layers today...a long sleeve shirt, a sweater, a hoodie and a down coat! And then I wished I would've worn a scarf, gloves, and a hat too...i might be a huge wimp and look like I weigh 500 pounds, but I'm determined to stay warm! I want one of those russian furry hats with the ear covers so bad...i'm gonna get one...maybe today after work. Yes, I'm at work right now, but no one else is here so I didn't feel like working yet.
oh, this is a great story i've been meaning to write on here but keep forgetting....
one day steven was in a depressed mood and he was walking down the street listening to the dead science on his ipod and an old man with a walker stopped him and told him to smile. so, steven laughs and says ok and then the old man says "i'm gonna tell you a joke...what do brooklyn and pantyhose have in common?" and steven said "i dont know" and the old man said "flat bush"! (flatbush is the name of an avenue in brooklyn in case you didnt know and then the joke wouldnt be f'in hilarious)
funniest old man ever!
needless to say, it made steven's day
we went to go see sam rosen (aaron rosen's younger brother who coincidentally lives down the street from me) play the other night at this great place in the middle of ghetto brooklyn...he is amazing and really fun to watch...the place is awesome...full of all kinds of old junk and cool stuff and it is all for sale...and he had pbr and yeungling and hot apple cider! my kind of place! It is called goodbye blue monday and it is apparently on myspace...haven't looked it up should and then when you are here visiting me we can go!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

my sister's visit

my sister, emily, left this morning...i was really made me miss home even more, so to make myself feel better i walked all over the city, to some of my favorite neighborhoods, stores, and visited steven at work for my favorite muffin (it's called morning glory and it's got all kinds of good stuff in it...carrots, raisins, cinnamon...deliciousness). I did that all day and went anywhere i wanted to go and surprisingly didnt buy anything. I went to my favorite furniture store, a flea market, brooklyn industries, a shoe store, a bunch of bodega's looking for house plants but no luck.
my sister and i had a great time...we did so much stuff...she also did a lot with my cousin during the days that i was working...she was exhausted
we went to a broadway play, times square, ice skating in bryant park, tried the empire state building but there was zero visibility, walked across the brooklyn bridge, ate at grimaldi's (the best pizza place ever...under the brooklyn bridge), did a lot of shopping, on her birthday went to an amazing brunch and then went to magnolia bakery for cupcakes and then got our picture taken with santa (i dont even remember the last time i did that!), saw For Your Consideration, which was horrible, i was so bored
the last week was really warm but it is finally starting to cool down (in the 40's)...i really hope it snows tomorrow...that would make me happy
i go home in 3 weeks...i'm getting very anxious
i really want to drive my truck again before my dad sell's it...hey ira, if you ever read this, maybe you could buy my truck from my dad!...that would be sweet, so then i can still kind of have it when i'm in town...i dont know exactly why i chose you to buy it except that you would be the one most down to actually do it and might have the money and might love me enough to do that for me...not to mention you'd have a sweet truck! (i know you've got one in tacoma, but you could have to haul around mopeds!) i'm really trying hard to talk you into this and i dont really know why...ha ha
anyway, it just made me cry when my dad said he was going to sell it even though it makes sense for him
i'll get over it, i'm sure
wow, i sound depressed...i'm not, i swear
notice my use of exclamation points! (well, i guess i didn't use that many, but i should've)
i'm just going to clean my apt now...maybe go do laundry...yay!

Saturday, December 02, 2006