Sunday, November 26, 2006


I ended up going to michigan to spend thanksgiving with my family was the greatest idea i've had all week! I had so much fun and I'm really glad i just put that expense on my credit card and decided to go cuz it was definitely worth it. I mean, let me just fill you in on all that i did...
had an amazing thanksgiving dinner at my grandparents famous huge holiday dinner table (we have an enormous family and i've always wanted to be there for a holiday but never have until now) with about 30 of my aunts, uncles and cousins
walked around the farm (my grandparents house sits on about 55 acres of land and 25 acres of it is woods) and through the woods and took pictures and tried not to get shot by deer hunters (my uncles!)
hung out with all my beautiful cousins...i swear my 13-19 year old cousins are so gorgeous...they look older than me and are just so pretty...i was just a little jealous
i went to the orchard and got homemade apple cider and michigan honey and cinnamon apple butter
went to my favorite fast food restaurant in michigan called halo burger where you can get green olives on your cheeseburger
drank so much vernor's (my all time favorite ginger ale that flows abundantly in michigan but not many other places) that i may have developed diabetes
ate tons of homemade pies
learned how to longboard along the flint river
bowled seven games at my grandpa's bowling alley for free! i'm actually sore from bowling! my highest score was 155, which i thought was pretty good considering i haven't bowled since the last time i was there which was over 2 years ago!
got stung by a wasp while trying to help my grandma decorate her porch for christmas
(oh, and my grandparents have a new dog, a collie of course, and my grandpa named him fritzy dugan, which i think is just might have to know my grandpa though)

my grandparents house might just be my favorite place in the whole wide world!
i think i might be more of a country girl than a city girl...we'll see where i end up!

it also felt good to come back to my apt in brooklyn... my sister is coming tomorrow!
I've got a busy and exciting week ahead of me and then i will be back in arizona before i know it!

jeb said it snowed in seattle today and he sent me a picture...made me jealous...where's my snow? maybe i should be careful what i ask for though much to think about!

Monday, November 20, 2006


so after all the excitement and hopefullness of getting into this show after seeing my photograph posted on the gallery's blog...I was not a winner (so, in other words...i'm a loser...i dont really think that...that's just literally what could be concluded). Anyway, this rejection shit is exhausting...especially when you pay people money to get rejected...that's even worse. o'well...hopefully it wont keep me from photographing (even though i haven't really done much of it in the last year and a half of my life anyway...i've got ideas and just wait)
i buy flowers from little bodega's all the time to put in the apt so that i can smile when i see them, but tonight someone bought some for me! I went to dinner with Steven and Anna (the wonderful girl he has been spending a lot of time with!) and tonight was the first time I met her and she bought me this bunch of beautiful dried cotton stems! It was so surprising and wonderful. Really made my day after overhearing a co-worker throw up today and then later casually talk about it as if it was no big deal...i mean, c'mon! Nasty! Really threw off my whole day (besides the whole rejection thing and then finding out after my i-pod's check-up appointment that it is completely dead and i lost all the music that was on it) Needless to say, unexpected plants make me happy again.
i think that i might be developing some weird obsessive compulsive behaviors...which i cant decide if it is funny or disturbing. I clean a lot, but not normal things...I scrub furniture or windows or try to clear our drains with baking soda and vinegar and today at work i cleaned my computer keyboard and mouse hoping that it would help me in my pursuit to not get the flu! I search ebay on a regular basis for stuff i want for my apt but mostly cannot afford, and last night i just decided to bid on a bunch of vintage clocks and ended up winning a few of now i have a bunch of clocks!
don't ask...i dont know

Sunday, November 19, 2006

ice cream and spicy burritos

isnt it weird that people eat ice cream in cold weather...i'm eating some delicious mint chocolate cookie ben and jerry's right now and even though i'm cold, it is very satisfying. I guess it's not much different than eating spicy burritos in the middle of an arizona summer (which I did quite frequently!)
i gotta get me one of them peppermint hot chocolates that starbucks has during the holiday's...those things are so good, that would make more sense right now

Saturday, November 18, 2006

apple store

There are only two apple stores in NYC and I went to the one in Soho today because my ipod broke and i'm very sad about it...there is nothing for me to block the noise of the annoying people on the subway now...even if i read, i get distracted by some annoying person that thinks they should talk loud enough for everyone on the train to hear.
anyway, apparently you have to make an appointment online in order to get any sort of technical help so I couldn't even have anyone look at it today! Crazy...well, maybe it's not that crazy, but it seemed like it at the I went next door to J.Crew and spent too much money on pants

Thursday, November 16, 2006

rain, tm-ing, and thanksgiving

I've decided that pouring rain and strong sidewinds while wearing denim and converse are not my favorite things. Not only that, but umbrellas are really just useless at that point also and they are just another thing to carry.
So, I know I've never lived somewhere where there is actually a winter, but I'm not quite sure why it is still 70 degrees in the middle of november. I keep thinking about global warming and then my mind jumps quickly to some sort of apocalyptic occurence in my lifetime that I dont really want to have anything to do with and then I get nervous and wonder if there is anything I can do, which, sadly, I doubt.
Another thing I wonder about is text messaging. I think about this a lot actually, but when it first started happening I was really confused as to why you would need to use it when you could just call a person and it actually really bothered me and anytime I saw someone typing frantically on their phone I just couldn't grasp why they were going through all that hassle to tell someone something. So, now i've realized that it is just another way for people to be passive and anti-social by way of technology and that bothers me even more. Somehow though, I've gotten sucked into the whole phenomenon and now I'm the one typing some ridiculous number of words per minute on my keypad rather than calling someone. I'm gonna try not to do that anymore unless it completely makes sense (like when I want to be passive and anti-social).
Thanksgiving is coming up and it will be my first time ever that I am not with my family. I'm not so excited about that idea and dont really know what to do about it yet. Luckily I have open invitations for the day's affairs, but have not decided what to do and might just stay home and cry instead. Probably not really, but I did think about going to a homeless shelter or a church or something but haven't actually looked into it yet.
Eddy C. and the Parenthetical Girls played an amazing show the other night on the Lower East Side and then stayed at our place for the night before they headed out for the rest of their tour...if they are stopping in your town anytime soon...go see them. It was refreshing to hear sincerely beautiful music.
Watched Steven's work in progress dance performance. It was really interesting to see what has been done so far and to hear what the plans are and I am excited to see the final product in January...he's working really hard and is so passionate about everything he does. It's really great to see.
Saw Borat tonight! Man-o-man, freaking hilarious (and disturbing)...definitely worth seeing in the theatre...especially the theatre in cobble hill where the opening preview has not changed since the 80's and is so fun to watch and thursday night is $6 movie night which is a real treat in the big city.

and that's all i have to say about all that

stay tuned


Sunday, November 05, 2006

great day

slept long as i wanted...closed the shutters so the light didnt hit me right in the face...
got up...ate apples and peanut called and made me sad cuz she said her and dad were at sun lakes at their annual neighborhood garage sale and she was finding tons of stuff i would love including a couch that looked exactly like my old one (that i miss so much) for only $25
called dani, cried...
called sara, ate ice cream...
did laundry...
went to williamsburg to go shopping at a store i had heard about...stopped at a record store to buy cd's...pedro the lion was doing an in-store performance...watched him for free!...he's amazing
went some sweaters to keep me warm...bought some cards and cd's...ate pizza and garlic knots...drank wine and played scrabble with nick and sara and then sara fell asleep so i went home...great day

oh...go to and listen to "hey boy"...well you should listen to all of them but that one is funny

Friday, November 03, 2006

this one is for the ladies - the old ones

Krystal and Steven have been using the power of the internet to create a system that allows able bodied young men and women to pick up old ladies from the street and carry them to their desired location! The old ladies are numerous, but the young men and women with capable biceps have been hard to locate. When asked of Steven "Why a organization that picks up old ladies and carries them?" he replied "...well they just look so darn tired crossing the street, why not just pick them up and take them where they want to go...i mean c'mon old ladies are the back bone of this country, why not put OUR backs into it for them, ya know". If you know of any such individuals who would be interested in helping to start this fledgling organization of picking up old ladies and carrying them wherever they want to go please contact K or S.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

speaking of about some krystal's!

check it out
and there is some japanese guy that just ate 97 krystal's in 8 minutes in a krystal eating contest!
ha ha

in n' out

i was thinking of when illya and ira and i went to in n' out before i left and how ira explained to me how interesting it is to hear me talk cuz i just ramble on about everything on my mind and i wonder sometimes if that is how i sound when i type. i realize i dont use much punctuation and i use a lot of ellipses like my mind is not stopping long enough for a period or a comma. But then i think "shit, i'm probably annoying and i should shut up most of the time"...i wish i was at in n' out with them right now...those french fries and cheeseburgers animal style are fantastic...east coast food is so expensive...i'm gonna be poor and fat pretty soon!
ira and illya better take me to in n' out when i'm home in december!