Sunday, January 28, 2007

whole new room

yesterday my friend mark (who makes his living as a carpenter for hipsters and the like throughout brooklyn and nyc) came by and spent the entire day building me a desk, hanging two old doors to close off my room from the rest of the apt, and hanging my old mirrors that i've been wanting to hang! so now my room is feeling more like a room i want to spend time's cozier! of course, he didn't just do this on his own took all day and I paid him, but i am so grateful because i would have never been able to do this on my own. the doors are two different shades of side is light blue and one side is bright blue. my desk is exactly what i wanted...basically a big table! my mirrors are pretty...i bought one at the same place we bought the old doors for only $20 and the other one i found on the street and made steven carry it home for me! so, here's some pictures...(although you may have not seen my apt. before all of this, i'm sure you can appreciate this...or at least pretend to for my sake!)

Oh, and it is snowing right now and i cant get over how beautiful it is to watch it snow...i think about taking pictures but i know i couldnt do it justice

Thursday, January 25, 2007


i dont get payed enough to live in this just adds to all the other RIDICULOUS stress in my life

Sunday, January 21, 2007

inland empire

unfortunately, i have to say that david lynch's new film, inland empire, is the biggest waste of 3 hours...yes, i said 3 hours!

Friday, January 19, 2007

i heart snow

this morning i woke up (a couple took me forever to get out of bed) and lazily walked around the apt. getting ready to leave and after a good half an hour had passed i finally decided to look out of one of the many windows in my apt and was extremely excited to see everything covered in snow! it was so amazing...i had a wonderful day because of it. here's some pictures (not very exciting i guess if it wasn't your first snow experience...but i will share them anyway and you can attempt to experience that through me...i know there's a word for that, but i cant think of it right now...tell me if you know!)

these two are from my bedroom window

these are the mopeds that have been locked here ever since i moved here

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

i used to love the subway

today the train i was on on my way to work got stuck in the tunnel in between stations for about 45 minutes! So, this happens a lot lately on my way to work, but it has never been this bad...finally we had to go backwards to the last station we were at to let people off to find alternative means of transportation! So, I took a cab...which took over an hour because of traffic and i only had $30 which was not enough to cover the ride all the i told him to stop at like 40th and 11th (and i needed to go to 52nd and 8th)...luckily, he was very nice and took me all the way even though i couldn't pay him or tip him! i wish i could afford to take a cab every day...not having to wonder when you will be able to get above ground is a nice thing... i'm gonna look into the bus system and maybe one day i'll get really motivated and ride a bike to and from work! i'd be super hot then!

Thursday, January 04, 2007


i've had a sort of epiphany tonight...i stayed home from work today because i am sick and need to sleep so that is exactly what i did until i could sleep no more and then woke up and had a lot of time with nothing (well, nothing that doesn't require exerting energy) to do and so i thought about a lot of different things and i spent the last 5 hours online catching up on and finding new and exciting photographers and anything to do with now i must put this into words before i clean my room and go back to bed...i've known for the last two years (basically since i set my camera down after finishing my 2004 series) that photography was missing in my life and i couldn't figure out how to get it back in...i still haven't, but now i've realized, it's a new year again (i also find it really lame that the occurence of the changing of the date is something that has to happen in order for me to take things further into consideration), i've spent the last two years of my life with little or no photography on my part and i've been learning other things about myself and it scares me!...i've found that taking all this time to figure these things out has only made me anxious and insecure...i really have no excuse to not do (or at least attempt) all the ideas that i have...i feel like my mind has been filled with so many other things that are so trivial that i cant fit in any thoughts about this is sort of like a new year's resolution in a way..but this time it should not end at the new year, but develop every year or every day or every hour for that matter...i just need to keep teaches me all the true things about myself that i dont want to lose sight of ever again...this epiphany is due in part to many different factors, which if i tried to list all, would probably kill me (cuz i would have an anxiety attack or something! ha ha)...but here's some of them that come to mind...alec soth's blog, my vacation home, my friends at home, my family, my lonliness in a new place, my new issue with anxiety, my job, the people i've met here in NY, the people i've learned about that are here in NY that are doing amazing things that i want to meet, the unending creativity of everyone i know, the state of the world, feeling sick and shitty
sorry to get all sentimental and emotional on you!
enjoy...good night

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Summary of first trip home

I had the greatest time while I was home and miss it for the things i dont have here, and i miss my amazing family and my best friends
forgetting the shitty traveling experience, the weather was beatiful, christmas was super dad recently bought a four wheeler (quad) and we went riding around in the dirt field by our house all day and ate some delicious home made mexican food which i've been dying to have and finished off the night at the trashiest dive bar in town! had our annual boxing day celebration with friends at dani's house this year, went to the mall way too many times, had horrible allergies and then a cold the whole time i was there, OD'ed on the new justin timberlake album!, went to too many parties with too many moped nerds! (and the moped nerds i love!), saw 3 great bands play in one night, danced like crazy, ate great food including the best hangover breakfast's in town, almost died being the victim of an enormous drunken dogpile (me and dani literally couldn't breathe or move...SCARY), took some fun pictures of people in my 2007 glasses on new year's, took some other pictures, laughed, cried, sang, danced, hugged, kissed, loved, lived
now i'm back at my new home and sick and tired and ready for bed
i added a link to my flickr site so you should look at the 2007 pictures