Monday, October 16, 2006

first day of new "big girl" job

so, my first day of work is over and to sum things up i would have to say... I cant believe I'm actually doing this! This is what i've wanted to be surrounded by for so long, amazing, hard-working artists and seeing how they get shit done! so, the building I work in is a fifteen or sixteen story building (not exactly sure, but there is definitely no 13th floor! ah, superstition) and we occupy seven of those floors. I work on the fourteenth floor with amazing views all around me. In the meeting this morning I learned that on the top floor they make artifical hearts and on the 8th floor apparently over the weekends some lady teaches pole dancing classes! (i dont know what happens there during the week) and I guess whoopi goldberg might be getting an office in the building soon...strange mix of professions in one building. I take the freight elevator cuz it is so much faster and the guy is really nice and the regular elevator is super scary and breaks down all the time and i just cant hang! so...some pics of the view from my window and workstation where I will be spending a lot of time from here on out with not one complaint!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

walking home just now

i just heard a boy (about 10 years old) singing that horrible "promiscuous girl" song. It made me think of when i was about that age and my mom freaked out when I bought the vanilla ice tape!
i understand now, mom!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

some pictures

i gave myself a home improvement project and it was so much fun! i made shelves for our kitchen cuz it is so small and we need space for food and dishes and only have three cupboards. I have to say they also give the kitchen some much needed excitement. So now I want to put up shelves all over the apt! That will take me awhile, but it's cheaper than buying furniture. I also got some of my stuff in the mail which included my dishes and two of my quilts (since i'm already freezing at night sometimes!) and my winter clothes and scarves! I'm more prepared for the cold makes dreading the cold (which when i say cold i dont really know what that means, being from arizona and all) much more exciting
so here are some pictures of the shelves... and steven!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Music for one apartment and six drummers

This is awesome...I found it on NPR's website...scandinavians are brilliant...why am I not there? soon, krystal

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

i'm officially a badass (at least in my own mind!)

got the job! already met Stephen Shore (one of my favorite photographers of all time)!!!!
going dating, going drinking, going beachin' at night, going picturing, etc.
but also facing the reality that rent is due in 2 weeks and I'm just going to scrape by....maybe!

Steven and I decided to do netflix and we've only gotten our first two movies and know it's the best thing ever!
However, Hustle and Flow is not very good
Reading three different books right now and have another one that I want to start! It's hard to keep my mind in one place these days

parks and newspapers and hot tea is the best way to spend a day with no (or little) money, but you need food eventually so you go home and have another peanut butter and jelly!
