Saturday, February 24, 2007

where i'm at

i gained another year snowed all night on my birthday and all day the next day. It was beautiful until the day after when it all started to melt and on my way to the airport i probably stepped in 6 huge puddles of freezing, disgustinly dirty water because there was either absolutely nowhere else to step or because it just blended in with the asphalt. then i had a seven hour flight to seattle and then slept for 3 hours and woke up and took an 8am ferry to victoria, canada where jeb and i proceded to get drunk until his friend got off work at 4pm! we went on an amazing hike down to the beach, bought a strawberry rhubarb pie from an old irishman baking pies out of his house, picked up some live crab to make for dinner, watched "farce of the penguins" (which is just so ridiculous that i absolutely recommend it). In seattle i visited the photographic center northwest which was awesome, made cheesy potatoes for jeb, drank beer and fell asleep eating a homemade sausage mcmuffin (courtesy of jeb's roommate)...i finished it first of course, but i was very tired. flew back to new york, back to work, got stuck in the train again (first day back!), last night sat next to an old scary, witchy looking lady eating raw meat out of a tupperware container as if it were peanut butter...i mean just scooping it out with her finger! i almost threw up. today i'm doing laundry and cleaning and tomorrow i will brave the numerous art fairs happening in the big city this weekend.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

my employer might hate me soon

i'm super excited because I'm either going somewhere or someone is coming here pretty much every month through May so far! This week I am leaving to go to seattle for six days...I've never been there before and have always wanted to...and i get to see jeb! And while I am there we are going to go to vancouver. Then, in march my sister, Cassie, is going to come visit for her spring break. Then in april my (most wonderful) friends are flying me home to drive to mexico for our annual beach trip and to see my lovely family of course. Then, in may i am going to steve's wedding in north dakota...which will be beautiful. I'd also like to get to michigan again sometime and take some more pictures and see my wonderful family there. So much to look forward to!
so, i might be going overboard on my vacation time, but I dont get paid vacation anyway so i dont really care.
if you have any other suggestions of things i'm missing out on...let me know...i could always just quit my job and leave the country or something!
why not

Thursday, February 01, 2007

my brain cloud

my job? i dont know about it...dont like working 9to5 and dont get paid enough to deal with the stress that comes with it
all my bills...way too much freakin money...more than i'm making!
my sister in the hospital and me not being there and not knowing what's going on
my second ipod crashing
the photo place ruining my film
every time the subway stops between anxiety...ridiculous...i cant help it...even when i know nothing is wrong

i found a decent mexican food place today and they gave me cholula hot sauce in individual packets! made my day
but decent is still the key word

sometimes i feel fat and all i do about it is drink steven's beer and watch movies!
maybe it's my winter weight
i'm lazy
i cant afford to go to pilates
i just like making excuses for myself