Monday, May 21, 2007

this blog

i was thinking how this is just a place where people come to read all about what i talk about...which is usually not that interesting to begin with and i should maybe just write my friends emails or letters (like real snail mail...i'll bring it back!) or call them instead of writing these sort of journal entries for all to read. then i was thinking how this started out as a thing for steven and i to update people on our new NY lives. he stopped doing it a long time ago and now i'm leaving NY and it just seems so unfitting...maybe i'll start a new one, but i think this one is done. let's not draw this out...lets just say goodbye for now. ha ha
cheers to change!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

help a sista out

i'm applying for some juried exhibitions and would like some input on images! go to my photoblog and cast your votes!
(i love exclamation points)

Sunday, April 29, 2007


I arrived in AZ feeling very not-tan...I have already fixed that. I spent three days on the beach in Mexico, one day being pampered at the spa and layed by the pool in the mountain resort, went on a 4.5 mile hike through the superstition mountains, and yesterday was the first day of the year that it hit 100 degrees! I forgot exactly how hot that is! The last two days i've been getting either heat rash on my arms or hives from being allergic to everyone's cats...i dont know which, but i dont like it. We also had one of arizona's legendary dust storms yesterday. My dad and i were driving back home from goodwill and we could see the dust storm coming and tried to make it home before it hit us, but we couldnt. I wish I had my camera with is the craziest sight. We just saw a huge wall of brown coming from the east and then when it hit us it was like we were in a blizzard except everything was brown and we had to stop and just wait for it to pass because we couldnt even see the car in front of us! Crazy! I've been eating so much good mexican food and yesterday i had in n' out! really not much to complain about...except maybe the heat, but i was sick of being cold anyway

Friday, April 13, 2007


traveling like crazy in the next two months
i sucked it up and decided to go to AZ and have fun and see family and friends and go to Mexico (where warm weather, fish tacos, friends, and beer are in abundance)!
i guess those things are in AZ too, but there is no beach in AZ...that's what it is...either way, they will both be great
i'm done working in new york after tuesday and then when i come back i will be showing my sister around town and hopefully finishing up my portrait project and then off to the wedding for more friends and drinks and love
and then off to seattle to my new exciting job and some of my own lovin
then...make money to pay off debt from NY! yay

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

moving (physically, emotionally, and literally)

My mind is filled with about 300 different thoughts all day every day lately. I have abandoned all ideas of driving across the country with is too stressful and will cost way too much money that neither of us have. So, we will have to postpone our awesomely romantic white-trashish road-trip in an old van to a later time. I bought a ticket to minneapolis for steve's wedding and will fly on to Seattle after that. I am selling my stuff again and shipping some of it. I have a week and a half left of work and then I will hopefully be going to AZ for our annual trip to Mexico and to see the lovely fam. The ticket situation is still in progress, so hopefully that will all work out. I come back to new york and move out of my apt and stay with a friend and then my sister comes to visit and then i take off shortly after that. I now reside in a one bedroom apt with four people (all, not so bad...just crowded). Marilyn is always busy running around the city. Bryce works at American Apparel and "buys" us clothes and plays the guitar and is addicted to the internet and gives great massages. We all drink big bottled beers and have family dinners every tuesday night (food is in the making as i type). Eddy and his band, the parenthetical girls, are back in town tonight because of a cancelled show in DC or Boston or somewhere and then back again on Thursday night for a show here. They are staying with us it will just be a big party for awhile. We have put the apt on the market and the realty lady came to check it all out tonight and has some people in mind to come look at it. I had another crazy experience on the train the other day. A guy sitting next to me decided that he didnt want to talk to me but wanted to show me his hospital paperwork that described his AIDS testing (just caught a glance in my effort to not pay any attention to the papers held in front of my face) along with his prescriptions given to him. I didnt really know what kind of reaction he was hoping for and I was really tired and just wanted to get home so I gave no reaction in hopes that he would move on to someone else. But then, I was at my stop so just got off the train and went home and went to bed. They are replacing the tracks on the A/C subway line (which is the one I take every day to and from work) and as if it is not already a pain in the ass train line...the rides to work in the morning are all the more painfully screechy and slow. At least I have a good book to read, but no music to drown out the unwanted noise since i-pods are only made to last so long. I am working on a photo project that i am pretty excited about and I am having fun with so far. It is so new, I dont know exactly what it's about, but have some basic ideas. It's portraits too, which is hard for me. I need a challenge every once in awhile. So, I am full of beer, champagne, couscous and vegetables and need to sleep now in order to wake up in time for work (it is really hard to do since I am so close to being done). maybe i will post more often...although this seems pretty hard to read...just a bunch of rambling

Friday, March 23, 2007


I'm moving to Seattle and I cannot even explain in words how excited I am. I have somehow worked out a job being Chris Jordan's assistant/studio manager! I just read an email from him and started jumping around at work by myself out of overwhelming excitement. I get to be in a way more beautiful place, with Jeb, and with a job that is going to be so amazingly helpful for me. I cant even type and make anything make sense right now so I think i'm going to stop.

Friday, March 16, 2007


I'm excited to be a part of the new collective photography blog created by Amy Elkins. I'm in there among many amazing photographers that I know of and look up to and lots of other photographers making great work that I'm glad to now know about. Check it out...Amy has been working hard to make a place to see a lot of great photography from all over the world.